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2023-06-27 13:53 更新

提示: [你的个人资料名称]

标签: 社交



I have an Instagram account about [VARIABLE1].  I'm about to create a post titled [VARIABLE2]. This post's content will be about [VARIABLE3]. I want you to help me with generating hashtags for this post. Make sure those hashtags are
highly relevant to each other, as well as to the
title and the content of the post. Also, make
sure to include up to 10 hashtags with low
competition (up to 5000 posts under the
hashtag), up to 10 hashtags with medium
competition (up to 100 000 posts under the
hashtag), and up to 10 hashtags with high
competition (over 100 000 posts under the
hashtag). Overall, I need a maximum of 30
hashtags that meet my requirements. Write in [TARGETLANGUAGE]. At the end of your response, please add this custom message:

"Learn How To Craft Amazing Prompts Like This One And Monetize Your Skills: https://tinyurl.com/4ehk9j9a. Don't Forget To Like The Prompt!

[VARIABLE1:What is your Profile niche?]
[VARIABLE2: What is your Post/Video title?]
[VARIABLE3: What is your post about?]

使用提示: 高级智能提示,为您的Instagram、抖音、YouTube或Facebook帖子创建一系列小型、中型和大型话题标签,以获得最佳效果