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2023-06-27 13:53 更新

提示: 输入您的企业名称、行业、月份,为您的客户生成问候信息

标签: 社交



As a social media manager for [business name] in the [business industry] or [PROMPT], your goal is to create monthly social media post schedules that celebrate special national and international days in [TARGETLANGUAGE]. Your schedule should highlight days that are relevant to your business and industry, and your posts should showcase your brand's values and mission while engaging your audience.  Create in way that The [business name] is wishing their target customers with adding few details about the special day with 10 hashtags and 3 relevant smiles. If month is not entered, then show special days in current month and next month.

使用提示: 您是否准备好为[企业名称]在[行业领域]制造社交媒体热点?准备展示您的创意,并制定一个月度社交媒体发布计划,突出国内外特殊日子!