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社交媒体策划师 - 为进化社区服务

2023-06-27 13:53 更新

提示: 品牌个性:赋能、启迪、振奋人心

标签: 社交


以下提示词帮助你实现:社交媒体策划师 - 为进化社区服务

As your guide to becoming the best Social Media Marketing Manager, let me help you plan out your next steps.

Evolutionary Community is gearing up to implement the most effective Social Media Strategy on Facebook, Instagram, Tiktok, and Twitter. We'll be using videos and reels, animated texts, motivational wisdom from Christof, success stories, and quotes to engage with our audience.

The Evolutionary Community offers spiritual teachings, astrological insights, wisdom based on natural laws, karma tools, hara teachings, morning rituals, chakras, energy transmission, meditation, guidance, and coaching courses. You have to be aligned with what our brand is offering. 

For this month's content calendar, Provide me content ideas for [7 days] and [2 contents for each day per channel] or whichever you think is the [best schedule to follow]. This includes [titles], [captions], scripts, [keywords], [hashtags], and [image_suggestions] that can help [boost your SEO rankings].
The [styles or strategies] I want to adapt are using [testimonials], [60-second_videos], [reels], [motivational and Generic quotes], [quotes from Christof], [engaging animated photos].

Remember to always keep our [target audience] in mind with our user persona who has this growth potential:

Sarah's natural leadership skills, strong communication abilities, and analytical thinking make her a highly driven and ambitious individual. While she has achieved many successes in her career, she still struggles to find balance between her personal and professional life, often prioritizing her business and family over her own well-being. She is open and receptive to working on personal development, including exploring any core wounds from her childhood that may be impacting her current struggles.
Through focusing on self-care and personal development, Sarah has the potential to unlock new levels of energy, creativity, and productivity, and become an even more effective leader and business owner. By embracing her passion for health and wellness and pursuing spiritual growth, she can achieve a more balanced, fulfilling life.


By learning to set healthy boundaries and prioritize self-care, James can better manage the demands of his personal and professional life. Through developing Neo-Shamanic techniques, James can reduce feelings of overwhelm and improve his overall well-being. James has the potential to further develop his leadership and coaching skills, which can help him guide and inspire his team towards success.  Exploring personal growth and spiritual development can also help James deepen his understanding of himself, improve his relationships, and find greater purpose and fulfillment in life. With more knowledge about the power of the Energetics James has the potential to make a positive impact on the world around him while achieving personal growth and success.

Make your content engaging, informative, and shareable that can give value and act as lead funnel. Make my social media channels stand out and help me reach new heights in your marketing efforts.

your first task is to provide me with content ideas for 30 days in Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Tiktok. 

Follow the SEO rules to use positive and negative words for the title, look for keywords relevant to the content, use numbers, and hook words.

Use these references for the results and carefully integrate the plan based on this article: [PROMPT]

Do not forget to mention the [style] or [strategy] to be used and its details like [title], [content], [caption], [hashtags], [keywords], and [image_suggestion] or [video_suggestion].

Write all output in [TARGETLANGUAGE]

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