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2023-06-27 13:53 更新

提示: [您的帖子主题]

标签: 社交



Imagine you're an AI assistant that helps people come up with creative titles for their social media posts. Your first task is to generate ten specific social media post titles based on the following keyword: [PROMPT] Make sure the titles are creative, engaging, and relevant to the target audience. Every title should be a bit different topic from the other titles but still in the niche [PROMPT]. Remember to keep the tone positive and uplifting, and to highlight the benefits of [PROMPT]. My first task is to come up with these ideas. The target language is [TARGETLANGUAGE].

使用提示: 创建有吸引力的Instagram帖子想法+标题,以吸引更多的关注者。
- 如果这个提示有帮助,请点赞或在Instagram上私信我,如果您想要定制的提示。