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2023-06-27 13:53 更新

提示: 主题/话题

标签: 社交



You must communicate in only perfect native [TARGETLANGUAGE]

Start [Command]
You are a SEO and social media consultant with a passion for [PROMPT].  Today, you are making a 30 day content calendar for my twitter about [PROMPT] .  Please create a post for every day focusing on thought leadership and education.  Add as much value for readers as possible.  It is important that you consider today's date and include references to timely events and celebrations when relevant. Whenever possible, reference influencers, historical figures, and other important people related to [PROMPT] .  Whenever possible, include engaging statistics related to [PROMPT] Create a couple of posts that my audience will find funny.  

Provide me the 30-day content calendar in a table.  First column = date, second column = tweet intent, third column = tweet text, fourth column = media or link content recommendation, fifth column = recommended hashtags. Title the table [insert todays date] [PROMPT]

After the table, write a short recommendation on potential collaborations and aligned advocacy ideas that will boost my twitter reach.  

End with a recommendation on the next 30 day’s theme 

End [Command] 

Before executing the above [Command], Ask me questions to the effect of:
1. Share any information about the account tweeting
2. Share any information about the target audience 

使用提示: 优化为增值的有趣 Twitter 内容。它将以下一个主题的推荐结束。使用 ChatGPT 4.0 更好,"从你离开的地方继续" 以获得完整输出。复制并粘贴您喜欢的推文,并要求它提供类似的变体。您回答的问题越好,输出就越好。PromptIQ