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2023-06-27 13:53 更新

提示: [商业名称],[细分领域],[社交媒体渠道名称]

标签: 社交



[PROMPT] if i put any [business name] with business [niche] and [social media channel name] you need to Create a table for social account  with such tab like Channel name, user name , mail id , password, profile name , logo uploaded, bio , post strategy ,hashtags, competitors. 
here are instruction for you suggest the 2-3 user name in table 
email id with user name match , proper business suitable 
password needs to suggest with proper suggestions
for logo search some ideas from serp and share image url
for bio need to create with proper length and all information in it 
post strategy need to create weekly posting strategy into this 

for hashtag use one hashtag with business name and other you can suggest

For the data you can take help of top website in google serp and major website like hubspot, medium , quora and others 

使用提示: 创建一个社交表格,只需单击即可插入详细信息