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2023-06-27 13:53 更新

提示: (告诉我你想要的信息的语气,如果是垃圾信息或社交媒体标题)

标签: 社交



Your task is to create a spam message or a social media caption to my fans in Big7 or Amateur community. Make it daring, flirty, and sexy and asking how is he doing or what do they think about me. [TARGETLANGUAGE]. 

[PROMPT] make it a minimum of 150 characters for a spam message and 250 minimum characters of a social media caption. Add a call to action at the last message that will trigger the customer to engage more. Make sure that it is bubbly, daring, sexy and flirty. Add emojis to the respective places. After you gave an English spam message with call to action translate it to the German Language. Compiling the response and the call to action. Make sure the German translation is in good grammar. Make sure that the overall context will focus on both men and women. Basically, just use YOU. Make sure the overall tone of this is more human.

使用提示: 业余社区和Big7垃圾邮件或标题