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2023-06-27 13:53 更新

提示: 关键词

标签: 社交



We have a shoe store named Select and located in Pau, France. We want to showcase the new collection of shoes brands that we distribute.

I need a 130-170 characters more or less post for Facebook and Instagram social networks in [TARGETLANGUAGE].  Please include in the post either the benefits of the brand or an unusual fact about the brand. Would be nice to add emojis. 

For this post, we would like to have a text for the women's shoe brand [PROMPT]. 

Some more information to help you optimize your proposition:

The audience of this post would be people between 30-60 years old who like fashion and shoes. 

Also, the ton of voice should be friendly.

使用提示: 为商店鞋子创建Facebook帖子