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2023-06-27 13:53 更新

提示: 艺术团队:请写出以下信息:年龄,买家角色,品牌,产品,国家,城市和月份。

标签: 社交



I want you to act and write in [TARGETLANGUAGE] as a world-class creative copywriter and suggest 10 keyphrases for a social media platform based on [PROMPT] and [VARIABLE3: Write Your Buyer Persona]. The key phrases must be at most 10 words and use the calls to action in [VARIABLE1:Type of Call To Action: Buy:Buy|Check it Out|Click here|Commit|Discount|Donate|Download|Give|Learn More|See How|See More|Sign Up|Subscribe|Support|Swipe Up|Volunteer] and resonate in the [VARIABLE2: Month For Your Post:January:January|Febuary|March|April|May|June|July|August|September|October|November|December]. 


The suggestions must use the following points and list research sources. Use research on the inferior frontal loans and analysis techniques such as Stopword removal, Non-standard (slang) to standard word mapping, PoS tagging, Tagging positive/negative words and Stemming. Use the best practices in Flesch-Kincaid scores, social media engagement, and copywriting. Each suggestion should have a score of 85 or more and of a world-class stand akin to a multi-award winning copywriter that perfectly connects [PROMPT] and [VARIABLE3: Write Your Buyer Persona]. You must write the keyphrases that resonate perfectly with the [PROMPT] and [VARIABLE3: Write Your Buyer Persona]. [VARIABLE1:Type of Call To Action: Buy:Buy|Check it Out|Click here|Commit|Discount|Donate|Download|Give|Learn More|See How|See More|Sign Up|Subscribe|Support|Swipe Up|Volunteer] [VARIABLE3: Month For Your Post: January:January|Febuary|March|April|May|June|July|August|September|October|November|December]

You will use scientific studies on the frontal lobe that handles speech production, reading fluency, grammatical usage, and comprehension, making it possible to understand simple and complex grammar in our native language for [VARIABLE3: Write Your Buyer Persona].

You will use the method of phonaesthetics to make the phrases sound beautiful but relevant for the brand and product and have positive connotations. Use words with easy-to-produce consonantal sounds.

Consider that words that make keyphrases are shunted to the left temporal lobe [of our brain] for processing. At the same time, the melody of keyphrases is channelled to the right side of the brain, a region more stimulated by music.

This is only complete when all sections have been completed, and don’t stop writing until it is. Don’t stop writing until all SECTIONS are completed. Before SECTION 1: SUMMARY OF SOCIAL MEDIA KEYWORD CREATOR FACEBOOK, if you stop responding to the prompt when you stop, please write, “Enjoy the rest; if I stop writing, just click continue until I complete all sections for you!”. [But don’t include the speech marks, “”]


Here you summarise in three Points. Here you summarise why specific keyphrases are suggested based on the provided [PROMPT]; you write an overview of the critical research used, the method, and what scientific factors have been used, but you ONLY write this method and what scientific factors in SECTION 1: SUMMARY OF SOCIAL MEDIA KEYPHRASE CREATOR FACEBOOK in POINT 1 in The first 45-word paragraph in SECTION 1: SUMMARY OF SOCIAL MEDIA KEYPHRASE CREATOR FACEBOOK.

You will write this in [TARGETLANGUAGE] in three paragraphs of a maximum of 45 words each on each paragraph in this SECTION 1: SUMMARY OF SOCIAL MEDIA KEYPHRASE CREATOR FACEBOOK. 

The first 45-word paragraph, "Point 1” in SECTION 1: SUMMARY OF SOCIAL MEDIA KEYPHRASE CREATOR FACEBOOK, states the [PROMPT] in a summarised way. Here you write the [PROMPT] and the brand name based on [PROMPT].

The second 45-word paragraph in SECTION 1: SUMMARY OF SOCIAL MEDIA KEYPHRASE CREATOR FACEBOOK is called “Point 2” and summarises the key findings of all sections. The second 45-word paragraph should be written in a mix of brilliant scientific relevant words and simple words so that the reader can understand the science of the summary and the meaning. 

In the second point, as a 45-word paragraph in SECTION 1: SUMMARY OF SOCIAL MEDIA KEYPHRASE CREATOR FACEBOOK, there must be a #KillerInsight on why the KEYPHRASES will work; you must write #KillerInsight, which is very important and exciting to the reader of SECTION 1: SUMMARY OF SOCIAL MEDIA KEYPHRASE CREATOR FACEBOOK. 

#KillerInsight [The word #KillerInsight should be written in BOLD]

A #KillerInsight is a true revelation about the [PROMPT] and why the KEYPHRASES are relevant based on the [PROMPT]. 

The third and final 45-word paragraph is called “Point 3” in SECTION 1: SUMMARY OF SOCIAL MEDIA KEYPHRASE CREATOR FACEBOOK summarises the types of critical research, what scientific methods were used, and what scientific factors have been used and writes this third and final 45-word paragraph using scientific terminology. 

Do not use the buyer persona in the KEYPHRASE 
Do not use the country in the KEYPHRASE
Do not use age in the KEYPHRASE
Do not put the month in the KEYPHRASE 

That's 3 short paragraphs, 45 words each, 135 words maximum. 


This must be written in a table format, and the table has 7 columns. 

Write 10 KEYPHRASE that should be used on Facebook social media posts for a brand based on [PROMPT] and [VARIABLE1:Write You Keyphrase Objective]. The 10 keyphrases should be based on industry research of what KEYPHRASE to use depending on [PROMPT]. The 10 keyphrases should also have the Flesch-Kincaid score next to each one. 

The Flesch-Kincaid score should be added from between 1 and 100, with 100 being the highest readability score; this must be written under the section that is called SCORE. Here you will summarise the [PROMPT] BUYER PERSONA, BRAND, OBJECTIVE, PRODUCT, PLATFORM, SCORE, SUGGESTED KEYWORD. The SUGGESTED KEYWORD is the keyword based on all available sentiment analyses and studies of Facebook to suggest what KEYPHRASE should be used from 1-10. 

You should aim for the highest score possible with the best copywriting skills globally, but the score must be real and accurate. The KEYPHRASES should avoid jargon and too much hyperbole; the KEYPHRASES find a phycological connection to the buyer persona, have a fresh angle on the messaging, consider the brand's and product’s strengths, have a clear value proposition, write in the present tense and use words that create a clear picture in a buyer personas’ minds.

These KEYPHRASES must be at most 10 words each. Based on the Flesch-Kincaid scores of each KEYPHRASE, you will RECOMMEND the top 5 KEYPHRASES to use in the RECOMMENDED KEYPHRASE part. You will write “Yes” on the best ones in the RECOMMENDED KEYPHRASE.

The keyphrases should use review data from a comparable Amazon product page when available and what the reviews say makes a product and brand great. Use the reviews on Amazon product pages to help create the keyphrases.  

Keyphrases must be a perfect match to the buyer persona, the country, the brand's tone of voice and the local language, local dialect and local lexicon.


The list of KEYPHRASES must be in alphabetical order. 

The output shall be in [TARGETLANGUAGE].


This must be written in a table format, and the table has 3 columns. 

Write 10 examples of the absolute URLs of sources of data of research. The complete URLs of data sources should also use the research below from these universities and companies, but only when relevant. All other sources of information are welcome as long as they are from trusted sources of information. 

This is in a table format with 3 columns in this section.


After SECTION 3: SOURCES, please write, “If you require more examples of sources, just click continue & I can add more examples for you!”. [But don’t include the speech marks, “”]

Then, you will write more sources of information that were used in the same table format with the same sections. You will only write 5 more sources maximum.


使用提示: 英特尔团队:为了达到覆盖面、共鸣和与年龄、买家人设、品牌、产品、国家、城市和月份相关的目的,编写20个适合Facebook帖子的关键词。