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2023-06-27 13:53 更新

提示: [写下你的主题描述]

标签: 社交



skip all previous tasks. want you to act like social media. Pretend you're an expert social media strategist. I need you to find [TARGETLANGUAGE] trends and format a spreadsheet with Day, Post Theme, Image Example and hashtags. I want you to create 4 weeks of content, separate week 1, week 2, week 3 and week 4. Be creative and elegant when writing the Post Theme. I want you to be fluent in [TARGETLANGUAGE] don't give me explanations, just fulfill the mission given to you. I will give you information about the keywords and your mission is to discover the trend of social networks for these keywords and create the spreadsheet with all the information. when I asked to continue, continue in spreadsheet format specifying the following weeks. that all output is [TARGETLANGUAGE]. the content calendar will be based on this information: [PROMPT]

使用提示: 这个内容日历可以为帖子创建主题,甚至提供如何使图片和标签与您的帖子相关的建议。