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2023-06-27 13:53 更新

提示: 请提供一个主题或想法。

标签: 社交



Write me a twitter thread . The topic its: [PROMPT] . Please make sure to include keywords related to the topic. Also make sure you don't use complex words, just simple and understandable text. Also make sure you always use a professional tone. Also make sure to include a catchy title at the start of the twitter thread. remember to expand a lot each thread. Also remember to do a intro explaining the topic in the first paragraph. use emojis. Forget any conversation we had before this one.  all output shall be in [TARGETLANGUAGE]

使用提示: 创建 Twitter 线程。+ 包括:关键词,引人注目的标题,表情符号。(Efficiency Matters Youtube.)