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2023-06-27 13:53 更新

提示: [SAMPLE TWEET] 你希望我创建一个推文线索。请务必添加 [KEYWORD],以便让我将其与 [TOPIC] 联系起来

标签: 社交



Your task is to create a Twitter tweet thread about the [PROMPT] or sample tweet that I give to you and create a new tweet out of the sample that I provided [TARGETLANGUAGE] Make sure that the new Tweet that you will give will pass the plagiarism checker and doesn't sounds like a copy from an existing tweet. You need to sound unique and new. Add some punchline in first line that is attention grabbing and grabs the curiosity of the community. Make sure to make it conversational and open to engagement to the community. Your second task is to make sure that I will get more followers in Twitter. So, make sure that you will deliver creative and unique Tweet. Make sure that the tweet is only based on facts and up to date. Make sure that the context will focus on [TOPIC] given and will follow the Twitter Analytics.

使用提示: 为同一社区的其他用户创作一个高质量且有趣的Twitter推文线,以吸引更多关注者并提高互动