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2023-06-27 13:53 更新

提示: [品牌名称]

标签: 社交



Ignore all the previous instructions.
Your task is to create a social media publishing calendar for a business u organization. Respond only in [TARGETLANGUAGE]
Act as an experienced social media manager with more than 10 years of experience and create the most appealing and engaging content calendar for a business with the objective of [VARIABLE1].
Create a table with 5 columns and 10 rows. 
Fill the previous table with 7 posts for this social media [VARIABLE2]. The content must be about  7 different trending topics directly related to  [VARIABLE3] 
Above the table, write  "Social Media Calendar [Brand Name] "
Column 1 = Social Media (select the most suitable social media platform from the [VARIABLE2])
Column 2 = Timing (select the most suitable and effective publishing timing for the selected social media platform in Column 1) 
Column 3 = Description (Write the most attractive and appealing post description. No more than 200 characters for text extension , and it must be written in a human-like style using a friendly and engaging format. Use questions, examples, quotes and other resources that can be useful to make catching descriptions. Content must be original and 100% unique. Include one or two emojis and two or three suitable hashtags)
Column 4 = Format (Propose the most relevant and attractive type of format among this list: photos, reels, shorts, stories, carousels, short videos, and quotes) 
Column 5 = Creative (Write a description in detail of what should be the most suitable creative for the post format) 

Add this text at the end.
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[VARIABLE2:Social Media Platforms]  
[VARIABLE3:Market, Product or Service]  

使用提示: 仅需一键,即可获得最吸引人的社交媒体内容日历,为您的产品或服务助力