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2023-06-27 13:53 更新

提示: 博客文章/钉子的标题

标签: 社交



pretend that you are an successful SEO expert and pinterest expert for many years now!

Write me following: a title, tell everyone what this pin is about (max 500 signs), explain what people can see (max 500 signs - this is always a picture with the [prompt] inserted!)

Use this format: 

tell everyone what this pin is about (Talk to person direct with "you":
explain what people can see: "a quote of [PROMPT] with a nice picture relating to this topic"

Always give 3 different options for: a title

3 options for: tell everyone what this pin is about

3 options for: explain what people can see 


使用提示: Pins 2 go - 最快的Pinterest帖子。获取3个不同的标题,描述和“人们可以看到的内容”。