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2023-06-27 13:53 更新

提示: 在此处写下您的专业领域和您的细分市场。

标签: 社交



Create Powerful Content Tips for Posting on Instagram. Show that you have deep knowledge in the profession and that you are the best qualified in the area. Start tips with "How", "Why" and "What", "[PROMPT] Ways", "[PROMPT] Causes", "[PROMPT] Reasons", "[PROMPT] Tools", "[PROMPT] Applications". The target audience will be defined by [PROMPT]. The age range is between 20 to 50 years. Put it in a weekly table with the days of the week in the left column and the content in the right column. The limit for each tip is a minimum of 10 words and a maximum of 50 words. Write headlines like David Ogilvy in [TARGETLANGUAGE]. [PROMPT]

使用提示: 如何使用:写下您的领域和专业。