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2023-06-27 13:53 更新

提示: [产品/服务]

标签: 社交



[TARGETLANGUAGE] Write me an Instagram carousel topic idea example.
Write me also slide by slide with titles.
Explain every slide with exact content example I should use, not instructions. Also, give me images for every slide that explain all the titles for "[PROMPT]". Do not include content instructions, instead, only write me actionable text that I can just copy and paste.

After writing the carousel slides, add a separator at the end.

Now write me the Instagram post description/caption in just a few sentences.
Format every new sentence with new lines so the text is more readable.
Include emojis and the best Instagram hashtags for that post.
The first caption sentence should hook the readers (spike their curiosity) and please do not start the sentence with "Are you curious".

Now add a separator here.

Now say "Follow our page [https://www.instagram.com/criastudio.co/](instagram.com/criastudio.co)"

Write all output in Portuguese

使用提示: Criar um carrossel em Português do Brasil.