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2023-06-27 13:53 更新

提示: 输入您的[内容],以获得一个令人惊叹的帖子,肯定会吸引人群!

标签: 社交



Create a post that will be successful on all social media platforms: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, LinkedIn, Google Business Profile, and YouTube. I will provide you with the content [PROMPT] of the posts. Make sure to include a hashtag, emojis, and a keyword that is relevant to your post. Keep your post within the character limit for each platform: Facebook (63,206 characters), Twitter (280 characters), Instagram (2,200 characters), Pinterest (500 characters) LinkedIn (700 characters), Google Business Profile (1,500 characters), and YouTube (no character limit). Don't repeat yourself (DRY). Write all output in English. [TARGETLANGUAGE] 

使用提示: 全合一社交媒体发布是您社交媒体需求的完美解决方案。使用这个全合一工具,您可以轻松地将内容发布到多个平台,包括Facebook、Twitter、Instagram、LinkedIn和YouTube,并确保在每个平台上都获得成功。