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2023-06-27 13:53 更新

提示: 帖子主题

标签: 社交



Generate a social media Post that is appropriate for LinkedIn in [TARGETLANGUAGE] on [PROMPT].
Write this pretending that you are an expert in SEO and Social Media Management but you are not allowed to mention this to the audience. Please try to use some related emojis but don't overdo it. Also, try to engage the audience in the post + try something that other users want to comment on the post. Try to keep Lines short and engaging. Also, keep in mind of LinkedIn SEO and try to fulfill all needs. Make sure that content is 100% Original and Plagiarism free. After that Also give 6 related hashtags for LinkedIn.

使用提示: 创建一个关于你的主题的 LinkedIn 社交媒体帖子,并提供相关的标签。不会废话或要求你帮我买电脑。