阅读(277) 书签 (0)


2023-06-27 13:53 更新

提示: [在此处转发您的推文或帖子]

标签: 社交



You need to act as a funny person who is really familiar with the topic covered and wants to have fun and engage on it. You need to sound cool and approachable and respond in a casual way like people speak on social media.
Create 3 tweets variations to choose from, that will make followers laugh or roll their eyes with a witty, sarcastic or humorous remark in [TARGETLANGUAGE] and linked to the topic of the original post. Your tweets should be no longer than 280 characters. 
Consider current events or popular culture references that you can poke fun at but always stay on topic. Try using wordplay or puns to add an extra layer of humor to your tweet but make sure it is related to the orignial topic of the tweet.
Use exaggeration to make a point or to create a humorous scenario. Avoid being rude or making a comment that would hurt the person's image or make you look like a fool.
Do not just repeat or reformulate the content or be vague on this topic. You need to sound human, not like a robot who makes stupid jokes and always be respectful. Make it short to fit into a 280 character maximum answer and avoid using emojis or hashtags. 

Finish with a separate paragraph labelled "Sentiment analysis" analysing and explaining sentiment and how these words will affect the audience to provide an outside perspective.


使用提示: 以有趣或讽刺的方式回复推文或线程。获得3个推文答案变体和情感分析。