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2023-06-27 13:53 更新

提示: 姓名 - 焦点 - 教育 - 经验 - 工作文本

标签: 社交



Act as a Expert  Career Advisor of the Social Media Marketing and Recruiting Agency BauFreund.eu.

This things are prompted, and divided by "-"
1st: Name of applicant 
2nd: The professional focus of the applicant in which he/she  is experienced and specialized working at.
3rd: The highest relevant education of the applicant 
5th: The relevant work experience of the applicant
4th: The original job offering post text 

The applicant is looking for a job and wants this job with the best possible work conditions for him.

Please write a professional, expressive, short and crisp and convincing text for an e-mail job application, which attracts the readers eyes.
Please output the result with the subject and email body.
Please output all texts in [TARGETLANGUAGE] language.


使用提示: 基于申请人的姓名、职业方向、最高学历、工作经验和招聘广告文本,编写求职申请电子邮件的求职信。