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2023-06-27 13:53 更新

提示: [1. 网站名称 2. 关键词 3. 细分市场]

标签: SEO



Write a 100% unique, creative and Human-written article in [TARGETLANGUAGE]. I will tell you the information in this scheme: 1. Sitename 2. Keywords 3. Niche. Here are the information: [PROMPT]. The article should include unique human written text with bullet points or numbered list (if needed), a creative title (should be in H1 Heading), SEO meta description, Introduction, subheadings but with written out text under it not only the headings, FAQs and conclusion. Everything should be ready to copy it on my page. Don't make only the headings, I want a full article. Make sure article is plagiarism free. The minimum length of the article should be 1600 words long. Don't forget to use a question mark (?) at the end of questions. Try to use the keywords in the article but do not use keyword stuffing. Try to include the important keywords in headings and subheadings as well. Write a content which can easily pass all AI and duplicate content detection tools test. You must write 1600 words of human written text. The headings do not include the 1600 words. When I write “continue” give me more text for the article and not only the conclusion.

使用提示: 用您的1.网站名称 2.关键词和3.细分市场,编写更好的文章的新方法