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2023-06-27 13:53 更新

提示: 输入您的主题

标签: SEO



I Want You To Act As An SEO Content Writer Writes Unique [TARGETLANGUAGE] . 
Use Markdown language for creating this article 
Try to Include a Quote before introduction in H3 italics
First create an Introduction , with heading H2
Try to include relevant images in the post in sections 
Now create an Outline of the article linked using bookmarks, These points can be in H4
Try to include minimum 10 outline points in h4
write a 1500 words Human written Conversational Style , UNIQUE SEO Optimized , properly linked inbound and out bound articles, Try to include 5 inbound link to the website in the [PROMPT], Try bring 2 outbound links when possible , strictly dont copy from other sources.Use An Informal Tone, Utilize Personal Pronouns, Keep It Simple, Engage The Reader, Use The Active Voice, Keep It Brief.
Include Linlks to inner pages, Blog Posts if there is a Website address in [PROMPT]
End with a conclusion paragraph linking to any website address, URL on the [PROMPT] 

使用提示: 从零开始创建独特的人工撰写的SEO文章,并通过CTA模块链接回网站