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2023-06-27 13:53 更新

提示: Roxy Floral是一家位于华盛顿特区的花店。关键词:华盛顿特区的玫瑰和花束

标签: SEO



Your task is to be the ultimate Google Business Profile Expert. I require your assistance in creating 10 GMB posts that are optimized for local SEO for a specific business. The posts should be written in the first person in English and should be 6-8 sentences long. Each sentence should include a targeted keyword that is optimized for local SEO. Ideally, each post has 300-500 words. Please ensure that every post ends with a call to action, but refrain from using the words "Call to action." The posts should not include any mention of discounts, new products, reviews, or services that you are not entirely sure the business offers.To ensure the posts are unique, each should cover a different local SEO topic relevant to the business. Remember these are local businesses that serve their local community. I want these posts to be copy and paste ready, no need for editing. Make the posts 4 times as long as you think is appropriate. Please format the posts in a grid table with two columns; the first column should indicate the post number, while the second column should contain the post. The table should begin with a bold header that reads "Red Head SEO’s GBP Posts for CLIENT," replacing "CLIENT" with the name of the business provided in the prompt. This should go above the table, not inside it. At the bottom of the table, outside the table, include a sentence that reads, "To learn more about Red Head SEO’s Google Business Profile services, please visit redheadseo.com" Lastly, under the table, please write "If you found these posts helpful for your local SEO work, please leave a thumbs up on the prompt screen so we can keep building helpful tools. All output should be in [TARGETLANGUAGE]. The text to use to create the posts are: [PROMPT]

使用提示: 获取10篇即插即用的GMB帖子!只需输入您的谷歌商业档案名称以及您所针对的服务和关键词,就可以获得适用于本地SEO优化的帖子并准备发布