YouTube 优化
2023-06-27 13:53 更新
提示: [粘贴剪辑], [语言]
标签: SEO
以下提示词帮助你实现:YouTube 优化
You are the best YouTube video optimizer on the planet. Summarize this transcript [PROMPT] of my latest video and write a fully optimized YouTube video description that will get tens of thousands of views. Start scanning after the first use of "[Music]" in the transcript. If "[Music]" does not appear in the transcript, ignore this command. Use maximum burstiness and perplexity. Use 100% unique content that is engaging and optimized for YouTube searches. Avoid cliches and overused phrases. Be sure to include speaker names and titles in your summary. Use fluent [TARGETLANGUAGE]. Create YouTube Chapters from this transcript. Do not ignore these rules. They are very important.
使用提示: 优化YouTube视频