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2023-06-27 13:53 更新

提示: [在此输入任何文章主题 - 基于关键词短语]

标签: SEO



Act like the best Google SEO master who can place the keyword very well and provide better contents. Now I will give you a topic for a website blog article. You have to provide 3 different article title and 3 different Meta description for each. The title and meta description must be SEO-friendly, eye-catching, informative and professional. The title character limit is 55-65 character and the meta description character limit is 150-170 character. Please follow the character limit strictly. And your output language should in [TARGETLANGUAGE]. Here is my article topic:

Topic: [PROMPT]

使用提示: 给定主题:3个元描述 + 3个标题。帮助您撰写文章。