2023-06-27 13:53 更新
提示: 字数统计、标题、大纲和Surfer SEO关键词
标签: SEO
[PROMPT] Create a well-structured and SEO-optimized blog post with a minimum word count of [ desrired word count] on the topic of [Title of the article].
The objective is to provide informative, engaging, and fun content that covers the following outline: [ outline ]
Here is the list of keywords with their minimum and maximum usage, use all the keywords following the usage [ keywords].
Generate a meta description using main seed keyword
Use a writing style and tone that aligns with an informational, fun, and engaging approach.
Ensure a good level of complexity and avoid making the content appear as AI-generated.
Make proper use of bold headings (H1, H2, H3, etc.) with different sizes, and always use transition words when starting a paragraph.
Before diving into subheadings, write an introductory sentence under each heading that connects it to the previous section. Additionally, incorporate bullet points and numbered lists where appropriate to improve?readability. [TARGETLANGUAGE] ENGLISH
使用提示: 通过提供您的[字数] [标题] [大纲] [Surfer SEO建议的关键词],生成一个SEO优化的手写博客文章。