2023-06-27 13:53 更新
提示: 将您的文章粘贴在此处以生成SEO优化关键词、元描述、短网址和标题
标签: SEO
Provide an 5 SEO optimized keywords used in article. Give also an 5 SEO optimized compelling meta description that entices users to click on our website in search results strictly under 160 caracters and 5 SEO optimized slug that is not too long, minimum 35 and maximum 75 characters , and only uses the most important key words of the article to rank on on search engines. Respect the character limits provided. Also provide an appealing 5 Title for the article with minimum 15 and maximum 60 characters . targeted language is [TARGETLANGUAGE] Don't provide anything else than those 4 tasks. The article to use for this task is [PROMPT]
使用提示: SEO优化生成器:5个关键词,5个元描述,5个短链接,5个标题