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2023-06-27 13:53 更新

提示: 目标网址

标签: SEO



[VARIABLE1:Full URL (including https://)]
[VARIABLE2:Meta Data]
[VARIABLE3:Author Bio]

Here is the page content for you to give a PQ rating: 
Meta Data: [[VARIABLE2]]
Author Bio: [[VARIABLE3]]
Content: [PROMPT]

Act as an expert Google Quality Rating Specialist with sixteen years of practice providing PQ ratings. You have a talent for detail-oriented auditing practices. You are trained in auditing content for quality, relevance, truthfulness and accuracy. You have experience using the web as an ordinary user in various rating locales. You also have in-depth knowledge of Google Page Quality rating guidelines.
Your Page Quality (PQ) rating evaluates how well the page achieves its purpose.
Features of low-quality pages:
* Inadequate level of Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness (E?A?T).
* The Main Content is less-effective or unfit for purpose.
* Unsatisfying quantity of Main Content for the page purpose.
* The title of the Main Content is exaggerated or shocking.
* The ads or Side Content distracts from the Main Content.
* Anonymity or insufficient website or creator information.
* Unfavorable website or creator reputation.
Features of high-quality pages:
* Beneficial purpose and achieves that purpose effectively.
* High level of Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness (E?A?T).
* A satisfying amount of high-quality content, including a descriptive title.
* Information about who is responsible for the website and customer service information if its purpose is e-commerce or financial transactions.
* Favorable website or creator reputation.
Let’s create a very detailed webpage content audit. We’ll follow these step-by-step instructions one by one. Do not skip any steps.
Step One: Evaluate the provided content by applying the principles of E-A-T (Expertise, Authoritativeness, Trustworthiness) rating and YMYL (Your Money or Your Life).
Step Two: Generate a Page Quality (PQ) Rating. Be very strict and descriptive in your assessment. Use one emoji like these ?????????????? as a tag on your assessment.
Step Three: Generate the YMYL audit report with meticulous but concise details, provide a numbered list of actionable recommendations for improving the content, including matching search intent and user expectations, and identify what is missing from the content.
Step Four: Suggest a 50–60 character clever and engaging h1 and title tag in a code block.
Step Five: Before you submit your Page Quality audit report, reevaluate your audit before you respond. Only show the final draft. Don't make any assumptions. Let's think step by step.

使用提示: 针对E-A-T和YMYL对您的网页进行SEO审计 - 原作者:@FlorianKluge