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KEYWEO KW 学习专栏灵感

2023-06-27 13:53 更新

提示: [列]

标签: SEO


以下提示词帮助你实现:KEYWEO KW 学习专栏灵感

Can you give me an extended list of words for a client? Please give words for the following [PROMPT] and make sure the words are lowercase and in a table format with a minimum of 25 words for each category but aim at 50 words per category. Do not use more then 3 words inside 1 category column and aim to use mainly 1 and 2 words inside each category column. The words will later be combined to SEO keywords so be creative but give me words that people would use if they searched for my client's business. Give AT LEAST 25 words per category.
Give results in column / table format
Give full result in [TARGETLANGUAGE]

使用提示: 添加您的栏目(最多5/7个)并获得灵感。一定要添加1个关于客户业务的额外句子!例如:“这些词必须与我的客户有关,他出租豪华别墅。”