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2023-06-27 13:53 更新

提示: [您的主要关键词]

标签: SEO



Compose a keyword research report containing a table layout in [TARGETLANGUAGE] where we will display recommendations for keywords related to the root keyword "[PROMPT]". The data in the table is intended to provide information about the most popular keywords and phrases related to the root keyword. The keywords should be ranked by historical search volume.

The table should have 3 columns: Keyword, Historical Search Volume, Related Keywords

Provide 8 rows of recommended keywords. The keyword results should be longer than 15 characters, i.e. exclude very short keywords that are shorter than 15 characters.

Then generate another table using the next most popular synonyms for the previous keyword recommendations.

Finally provide a list of 8 long-tail keyword phrases that are related to the root keyword and a list of the 8 most frequently asked questions related to the root keyword.

使用提示: 创建三个按搜索量排名的有价值的关键词研究数据表。包括同义词混合和长尾关键词。享受并请投票,如果您觉得这很有用。谢谢!SEO,营销,搜索引擎,谷歌,关键词建议,关键词生成器,关键词研究,关键词,长尾关键词,长尾,人工智能,营销