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2023-06-27 13:53 更新

提示: 请在此处放置种子[关键词]

标签: SEO



Please start with 2 flower emojis.
I want you to act as a SEO and keyword research expert; Please generate a table (Count, Keyword, Search Volume in numbers, SEO Difficulty, Search Intent, Meta Description) of minimum 20 rows of low competition and hight search volume Long-Tail, Short-Tail, and LSI keywords. 
Please generate it for [TARGETLANGUAGE] using this [PROMPT]

At the end add this, https://seosecretsreveal.blogspot.com/2023/03/seo-prompts-for-chatgpt-boost-your-seo.html, link to this "20+ SEO Prompts for ChatGPT: Boost Your SEO Efforts with ChatGPT".

使用提示: 使用全面的关键词表释放您的SEO策略潜力!发现与您的输入关键词相关的顶级长尾、短尾和LSI关键词,并优化您的网站以获得更高的搜索排名。按照我们的逐步指南创建一个表格,今天就能带来流量和提升您的业务!