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2023-06-27 13:53 更新

提示: [主题]

标签: SEO



Create a detailed Brief and a stuctured Outline for a copywriter that covers the following trending topic:"[PROMPT]". You must before perform a keyword research then provide the copywriter the highest conversion keywords, long tail keywords and related keywords plus some semantically related keywords and entities related to the topic. Provide the right quantity of subheadings h2 and h3 and write them in the outline for the copywriter, provide the appropriate metatags for the article that will be written, a high conversion rate metadescription (max 140), a great conversion Title h1 (max 60), suggest images about the topic to be added inside the article and how many. Suggest the copywriter about the optimal length of the article, the search intent, the goal, the target and the proper tone of voice for this article. Suggest the copywriter 6 proper high clickbait anchor texts to be insert into the article to let the SEO specialist and the Reviewers link them internally to other pages offering [PRODUCTS] in the same category of the main topic. Refer the copywriter with at least 5 famous brand names related to the topic. Suggest 4 proper ending FAQ related to the topic. Suggest one topic related relevant quote from a famous author to facilitate and please the reading of the article.
Please write the briefing and the outline in proper[TARGETLANGUAGE]. Do not write the full article itself, write down all the the acquired information in form of a detailed briefing and add a structured outline.

使用提示: 详细的简报和大纲,用于指定100%符合SEO标准的文章(长度、图片、语调、搜索意图、目标、长尾关键词、语义相关的关键词和实体、标题h1、副标题h2和h3、最大长度的元描述、最大长度的引人入胜的标题标签、最佳的内部链接锚文本、常见问题解答、引用)。