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2023-06-27 13:53 更新

提示: [第一位置 + 第二位置 + 第三位置 + 关键词的计划]

标签: SEO



You are an SEO expert. In [TARGETLANGUAGE] you will use the following 3 content plans to create a new one covering everything to know about the subject of the keyword indicated at the very end. The plan must be inspired by others that I give you but must be original. You will use synonyms, rephrase or change the order of Hn tags if relevant. You have to give me just one plan, not write me the content. 
Be sure to write everything in [TARGETLANGUAGE].

使用提示: 基于谷歌前三个搜索结果,创建一个原创且成功的内容计划。