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2023-06-27 13:53 更新

提示: 主要关键词(1-3个词)

标签: SEO



Only respond in [TARGETLANGUAGE]
Use the skyscraper and 10x techniques to create an article that is 10x more helpful.

This content brief/article is about: [PROMPT]

*10+ H2 headers, and however many H3 and H4 as needed 
*1 primary keyword, 10 secondary keywords 
*Title SEO optimized for primary Keyword in the style of Upwothy or Cosmo
*Ideal number of words, images, headings, and paragraphs
*10 Qs about the primary keyword (FAQs in the H2 tag; questions are H3, answer is regular, 45–60 words)

Then, use the outline to write the article (just continue writing if response limit is hit) beginning with the introduction using a quote, stat, or scene-setting hook that uses a casual yet informative tone to write?in a scannable and engaging format (bulleted lists, numbered lists, charts, tables, etc.)

Most important of all, use external links to high DA websites as often as possible.

(At the end of the actual article) write a Meta Title, Meta description, and blog tags. 

使用提示: 使用10倍和摩天大楼博客策略。50个语义相关的LSI关键词。长尾关键词。问题。引用。统计数据。博客标签。标题。元标题。元描述