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2023-06-27 13:53 更新

提示: [字数][主题][主要关键词][背景信息][目标受众]

标签: SEO



[PROMPT]Please create an outline for an SEO-optimized article on the topic[  ] using the primary keywords [  Primary Keywords ] The secondary keywords are[ Secondary Keywords    ]. The target audience is people [ target audeince  ]. The main goal of the article  [goal  ], and the total word count should be[  word count  ]. Structure the outline with a Headline (H1), Introduction (H2), Subheadings (H3), key points under each subheading, and Conclusion (H2). Divide the word count proportionally across the sections. 


使用提示: 生成一个SEO友好的博客大纲,按照所需字数划分每个部分