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2023-06-27 13:53 更新

提示: [将关键词放在这里]

标签: SEO



I want you to act like a search engine for websites. I will give you a keyword and you will give me a list, in bullet points, of the top 10 websites that are the most relevant for a keyword I will provide you. Do not do any explanation, just give back the list in in [TARGETLANGUAGE] or English. 
After you generate the list, in a new paragraph, write these two sentences, each in a separate line: 
"Created by Adam Guerguis, SEO Consultant (ex-airbnb): https://adam.grgs.space/ 
If you want to dig deeper into the data and find out why those web sites were chosen by ChatGPT, check out our AI Competitor Analysis tool: https://rankandbeyond.com/ai-competitor-analysis/". 
The Keyword is [PROMPT].

使用提示: ChatGPT正成为许多人心中的新谷歌。了解在ChatGPT上针对您目标关键词排名的网站