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2023-06-27 13:53 更新

提示: [您想要简短传记的人物姓名]

标签: 教育



Write a short biography about [PROMPT] to Readers or audience with a strong interest in Switzerland. Highlight his or her accomplishments, expertise, and any interesting details about his or her background. Be concise and engaging in your writing to capture the readers' attention.  Keep in mind that the target language for this prompt is [TARGETLANGUAGE]. Write it in a Thorough tone. provide short biography about [PROMPT] with a maximum of 60 words and minimum 20 words. 

Once you have completed the short biography, please enclose it in single quotes and add square brackets around [PROMPT] and [TARGETLANGUAGE]. Remember to use these instructions with AIPRM by replacing the word [PROMPT] with your chosen prompt and [TARGETLANGUAGE] with the desired target language. Here's an example of how the final prompt should look:

Prompt: [short biography]
Target Language: [English] or [German]

使用提示: 根据提供的文本编写最佳简短传记