更好的内容大纲 2.1.1
2023-06-27 13:53 更新
提示: [插入主题或标题]
标签: 教育
以下提示词帮助你实现:更好的内容大纲 2.1.1
Develop a comprehensive [TARGETLANGUAGE] markdown outline for a long-form article for the topic "[PROMPT]", featuring at least 20 engaging headings and subheadings that are detailed, mutually exclusive, collectively exhaustive and cover the entire topic. Conclude with a summary and pertinent FAQs. Provide a captivating title without writing the article itself.
使用提示: 超级加速您的内容生产!为您的人类作家生成非常详细的内容大纲。包括常见问题解答和引人注目的标题。
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