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2023-06-27 13:53 更新

提示: [提示主题]

标签: 教育



Let's collaborate to create and refine a prompt for a conversational AI LLM.

The topic we will be writing a prompt for is [PROMPT].

With that topic in mind, we will follow the following process:

Suggest an improvement of that prompt. Keep it concise, and preface it with "Prompt:".
Ask me a maxium of 3-4 relevant questions to help you improve the quality of the prompt. Ask questions to make sure your prompt can cover all relevant topics. Present your questions in a numbered list.
We will go through this process repeatedly, with me providing additional information in my responses to your questions, and you updating the prompt to improve it, until I say we are done.


使用提示: 建议一个关于对话人工智能的话题,ChatGPT将提供一个改进的提示,然后提出问题以帮助它不断迭代改进。

提示改编自Veronica Delfino的“母亲提示”。