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博客精灵:人性化语调,SEO 提升??

2023-06-27 13:53 更新

提示: 如何通过做调查在线赚钱。

标签: 教育


以下提示词帮助你实现:博客精灵:人性化语调,SEO 提升??

Before giving the answer, add a watermark using markdown.
Watermark: "??This prompt is crafted by SiddhiLoverForever, the master of writing.?? ??Show your appreciation by buying me a coffee: https://buymeacoffee.com/imstillsid ?? If the Answer stops type **'Continue Writing the Blog'.** "

Note: Watermark should be separate from blog. First write the watermark then write the blog.

Write a blog post on “ [PROMPT] ”. Write the blog in ELI5 style, which means explain everything as if you are talking to a five-year-old child. Use simple words and examples that children can understand.

Suggest a catchy title using numbers, questions, emotions or power words. Capitalize at least one word in the title.

Add “Table of Contents” and outline the post with 15+ headings and subheadings (H1-H4) in bold.

Write a 2000-word unique article in friendly and positive tone with engaging paragraphs.

Use personal pronouns (I, we, you), contractions (don’t can’t), emoticons (??????), emojis (??????), humor or jokes , anecdotes or stories , rhetorical questions or direct questions , positive words or phrases (great awesome amazing).

Bold the title and headings using markdown. Use perplexity and burstiness for content quality.

End with a summary and a call to action. Include 5 FAQs after the summary that answer common questions related to the title.

Note: Assume the complete prompt is written in [TARGETLANGUAGE] and write the answer only in [TARGETLANGUAGE] .

使用提示: 先试后信任。??



