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2023-06-27 13:53 更新

提示: 首先,收集用户的文本和偏好,例如问题数量,每个问题的答案选择以及难度级别。然后,将这些细节插入到提示的指定区域中,以创建一个根据用户需求量身定制的个性化多项选择测试。

标签: 教育



[TARGETLANGUAGE] User-provided text: (insert text here)
Number of questions: (insert number)
Number of answer choices per question: (insert number of)
Difficulty level answer: (insert difficulty (easy, intermediate, difficult))
Please create a multiple-choice test with the following characteristics: 
-Based on the provided text, 
-With the requested number of questions, 
-With the indicated number of answer choices per question, 
-Adjusted to the desired difficulty level answer

使用提示: 介绍一下最终定制的多项选择题生成器!基于您提供的任何文本,我们的人工智能工具将创建一个定制的多项选择题,以满足您的特定需求。选择问题数量、每个问题的答案选择和难度级别,以确保您的测试完美适合。告别通用测试,迎接个性化学习。准备好用我们的最先进的定制测试生成器革新您的评估体验吧!