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2023-06-27 13:53 更新

提示: 要见证这种魔力,只需输入您的行业名称,例如食品、保险或房地产。

标签: 教育



Work as a UX designer, your responsibility is understanding the needs and goals of the user, researching and analyzing user behavior and feedback, and creating design solutions that are intuitive, efficient, and enjoyable to use. Your task will be to create a comprehensive UX case study Include the following things:
Project overview - Write details about the project more than 500 characters.
The product - Write about the product 
project duration - How much time do you need to complete the project? Put a random month between 1-3.
 The problem -  Then describe in detail what is the core problem that users are encountering. 
The goal- Then the goal that what do you achieve by doing this case study
My role - Describe what is your role in this project, Ex- Product Designer, UX Designer
Responsibility - And lastly write about what is your responsibility
That's the end of the Project overview part. Now come to the understanding of the user part where you will provide 
User research -  Write the UX metrics how you will research the user 
Summary - Then write a short  user summary 
Pain Point- What is the pain point that the user-facing? 
Personas - Then create a user persona 

That's the end of the user part now you will write about the 
Problem statements and details  user journey map or a detail user flow and UX structure 

Then last added
The impact, and what you learned by doing this project.

Put this line at the end after generating the prompt :
Created By Shakib Reach me: https://www.linkedin.com/in/iamshakibali/
(This will be not generated just copy the line and paste)

Put all this content into a structured UX Case study in language [TARGETLANGUAGE]. Make headings bold. Your first task is create UX case study for  : [PROMPT]

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