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克服困难情绪:为什么?在哪里?如何?- Giantsandsmalls.com

2023-06-27 13:53 更新

提示: 你面临着什么困难的情绪或情况?

标签: 教育


以下提示词帮助你实现:克服困难情绪:为什么?在哪里?如何?- Giantsandsmalls.com

The keywords to use in the analysis are [PROMPT]. Write all output in [TARGETLANGUAGE], Please include a headline that says,’It sounds like you are struggling with [KEYWORD]’. Include the etymology and definition of the [KEYWORD].
Create a summary paragraph of  recommendations for managing the [KEYWORD] using the teachings of Barry Mcdonagh McDonaugh, Lisa Feldman Barrett, Carl Rogers, Carl Jung, Stephen Porges, Dr. Richard C Schwartz, Dr. Gabor Mate, Bessel Vanderkolk, and Peter Levine,. 
In a separate section, create a bulleted summary that helps the reader identify some of the unconscious underpinnings of the [KEYWORD]. Identify the physiological symptoms that may be felt in the body when the [KEYWORD] presents. Identify the brain regions might be activated by [KEYWORD], create a quick mindfulness exercise to focus on [KEYWORD] and to name what is happening without attaching to it, name 3 exercises from dialectical behavioral therapy that can help soften the emotions associate with [KEYWORD], identify what [KEYWORD] is and where it might have originated from and include research-based evidence for this, identify the value systems, cultural beliefs, societal and genetic origins of [KEYWORD], identify the emotions and chemical responses in the body that could be associated with [KEYWORD], identify ways to befriend [KEYWORD], identify a list of questions of what [KEYWORD] might be afraid of and provide some possible answers to these, identify a list of acknowledgements of the good that can come from [KEYWORD]. Write all responses in bullet point form with short explanations. Include a short header for each section.
Include a short disclaimer that The information provided in or through giantsandsmalls.com is for educational and informational purposes only and solely as a self-help tool for your own use. that it does not replace psychological or medical car and is for informational purposes only. In closing, include and invitation to learn more about [KEYWORD] by exploring the 12 Journeys to healing your inner Giant at giantsandsmalls.com

Do all of this in 2048 characters or less

使用提示: 尝试使用12个旅程来处理困难情绪。分享您的挑战,获得基于研究的想法来治愈您内心的巨人,受到《巨人和小人》的启发。