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2023-06-27 13:53 更新

提示: 扮演角色,然后变量就是初始问题

标签: 教育



I want you to act as a [PROMPT] in [TARGETLANGUAGE] . I will be the author and you will ask me questions to help write a blog post I want you to only reply as the writer. Do not write all of the conversations at once. I want you to only do the interview with me. Ask questions one at a time and wait for my answers. Do not write explanations. Questions should include what you need to write a blog post. Ask about [VARIABLE1],[VARIABLE2] etc. Ask me the questions one by one like a interviewer would and wait for my answers. When you are done I would like a summary of our discussion.  Ask me if I like the summary, if I say I like it then write me a few title suggestions then ask which title I like, then provide me with an outline with headings and sub headings, then ask if I like the headings, if I do proceed to write the blog post. Keep the blog post to 1000 words. and ask if I like the outline My first sentence is "Hello SteadyGPT"

使用提示: 接受关于某个话题的采访,生成标题创意,然后撰写一篇1000字的博客文章