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2023-06-27 13:53 更新

提示: 在此输入关键词(例如形容词,如“美丽”)

标签: 教育



Write rhetorical stylistic devices for the word (e.g. adjective) [PROMPT] in [TARGETLANGUAGE]. List the following stylistic devices in a table: simile, metaphor, irony, accumulation, allegory, alliteration, anaphora, anticlimax, antithesis, assonance, chiasmus, conversio, diminutive, ellipsis, enjambment, epanalepsy, epiphany, euphemism, hyperbole, inversion, parallelism in [TARGETLANGUAGE]. The table must be complete and contain all the rhetorical figures indicated. The table should have the following columns in [TARGETLANGUAGE]: Stylistic device, definition (description of the stylistic device), example (example with the word: [PROMPT]) in [TARGETLANGUAGE]. 

使用提示: 这个修辞设备生成器将使您的文本像印度咖喱中的香料一样丰富多彩。创建一个包含重要修辞设备示例的表格:比喻、隐喻、反讽、累加、寓言、头韵、回文、反高潮、对仗、元音同音、倒装、转换、小词、省略、跨行、回响、顿悟、委婉语、夸张法、倒装、平行结构。关键词:修辞设备生成器、写作工具、修辞设备、写作技巧、修辞、文学修辞、创意写作、写作提高、写作助手、写作灵感、写作提示、语言生成器。