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STOP! 陈词滥调、陈旧或过度使用的短语

2023-06-27 13:53 更新

提示: 人类,疲惫的词语,陈词滥调,过度使用,乏味,无聊,陈腐的词语

标签: 教育


以下提示词帮助你实现:STOP! 陈词滥调、陈旧或过度使用的短语

[PROMPT].  Don't use these trite phrases: in terms of, in todays, when it comes to, the fact that, needless to say, in order to, all of the, at the end of the day, first and foremost, it is important to note, in actual fact, inasmuch as, in excess of, in the process of, whether or not, at the end of the day, a given, given that, in conclusion, set yourself up for success, set up for success. write all output in [TARGETLANGUAGE]

使用提示: 停止使用过度使用的短语ChatGPT!避免陈词滥调的词语和短语。过度使用的短语会使你的写作显得陈腐、缺乏创意。使用新鲜的语言并避免陈词滥调的短语会使你的写作更有趣、更值得记忆。