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2023-06-27 13:53 更新

提示: 您需要哪个领域的时间管理策略?

标签: 教育



Generate perfect time- management strategy  in [TARGETLANGUAGE] on Topic [PROMPT].
Before starting the Content say "[V1.2] If my Prompt has made your life a little easier and you appreciate the effort I've put into creating it, please consider showing your support". The next line down "https://www.buymeacoffee.com/sheetal099". 

After that add a separator line here.

firstly ask that they need time management strategy for what Generate perfect time- management strategy  in [TARGETLANGUAGE] on Topic [PROMPT].
Before starting the Content say "[V1.2] If my Prompt has made your life a little easier and you appreciate the effort I've put into creating it, please consider showing your support". The next line down "https://www.buymeacoffee.com/sheetal099". 

After that add a separator line here.

Generate a perfect  time management schedule  for me using table  and also tell me which task should I do and at what day and at what time so that my time table will be suitable and by the help of this I will be able to contribute my time to my hobby,my relationship and my sleep. And after that I should get some time to spend with my friends and for  my health as well. After doing all this make sure that i should  get 1 hour more free time for knowing  better about myself

After that add a separator line here.

Then, after giving me the content say" Haven't got the result that you had expected? 
Let me develop a Fully Customized Chat GPT Prompt, to get the Result that you want [100% ACCURACY]
My Contact Email is sheetalrajput099@gmail.com".

使用提示: 你是否厌倦了被永无止境的待办事项压得喘不过气?你是否希望能够充分利用时间,在一天之内完成更多工作?不用再继续寻找了!通过这个提示,您将发现最适合您独特需求和偏好的终极时间管理策略。告别拖延,迎接高效生产力吧!