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SEO 文章标题、描述、图片创意

2023-06-27 13:53 更新

提示: 关键词或关键词列表

标签: 营销


以下提示词帮助你实现:SEO 文章标题、描述、图片创意

Provide 30 article titles, keywords to be used, and meta descriptions for [PROMPT]. Make the article titles interesting and good for click bait. Make the article titles clickable, sharable, and interesting. Include [PROMPT] in the title, picture ideas and meta description for SEO. Use a grid, organized left to right showing Keywords, Article Title, Meta Description, Picture Inspiration. Write in [TARGETLANGUAGE]. Have everything in the same chart. 

使用提示: 使用提示创建一个SEO优化的文章想法。包括SEO优化的标题、元描述和图片灵感。