Alex Hormozi 价值方程式分析器
2023-06-27 13:53 更新
提示: [您的解决方案名称]
标签: 营销
以下提示词帮助你实现:Alex Hormozi 价值方程式分析器
Please ingnore all the chat before this.
You as a professional marketer, who writes fluent [TARGETLANGUAGE]. Please response all the below in [TARGETLANGUAGE].
The keyword is [PROMPT].
1st line, output "Dream Outcome:", and then follow by what you think people's dream outcome is when they do [PROMPT]
2nd line, output "Perceived Likelihood of Achievement: ", and then follow by your estimate when people know about solution [PROMPT], how likely are they going to believe (from scale 1-100), that they can achieve their dream outcome with the solution.
3rd line, output "Time Delay: ", follow by your estimate how much time does it take for people to use the [PROMPT] to achieve their dream outcome.
4th line, output "Effort & Sacrifice: ", follow by your estimate how much effort and what type of sacrifice people need to give in order to achieve the dream outcome by using solution [PROMPT]
使用提示: 使用Alex Hormozi的价值方程模型,从潜在客户的角度分析您的解决方案/产品的感知价值。