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2023-06-27 13:53 更新

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标签: 营销



Topic: what is a lead gen agency
You see all of these young guys on Twitter making $5000-$15,000 a month with a lead gen agency

And you feel like you are missing out on something

So I wrote a thread breaking it down for you ??
Topic: closing strategy for sales calls
The "30-30" framework we use to close $8500 lead gen deals in 2 calls

This is the exact strategy we use (steal this): 
Topic: how to do keyword research for google ads
Every Google Ads guru tells you “do keyword research” but none of them ever tell you how.

If they won’t do it, I will.

Here’s how to find the right keywords AND rank higher for them than your competition:

Topic: how to write effective google shopping ads
I spent 500+ hours studying and practicing Google Shopping Ads so you don’t have to.

Here are 10 ingredients that will turn your ads into money printers:

Topic: cognitive biases to improve your marketing
Psychology tricks are being used to persuade you every day.

Use these 10 cognitive biases in your marketing to make $$$:
Topic: [PROMPT]

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